HVAC Systems


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Role Of Our Home Air Conditioner And Heater

In terms of maximizing our comfort in our own homes ? something we go to great lengths to achieve ? the proper functioning of our air conditioner and heater is paramount to our success. Determining, and ensuring, the maximum efficiency of these systems first depends on understanding their operation.

We all know that our home air conditioner and heater are used to adjust our interior temperature. The air conditioner lowers the temperature in the home so that we are comfortable in warmer weather; in contrast, the heater is used to elevate the temperature in the home so that we are comfortable in colder weather. But the air conditioner and heater also play roles in moderating humidity within the home subsequently affecting our comfort level.

Humidity is defined by the level of moisture in the air. Humidity can vastly affect our comfort level; as a point of reference, the human body positively responds to a relative humidity level between 20% and 60%. When the outside temperature is between 20?F and 70?F, the humidity level within in our homes is generally within this comfort level. But in more extreme temperatures, the humidity level ? along with the temperature ? inside our homes must be modified to maximize comfort.

When using the air conditioner and heater, humidity levels will also adjust accordingly. However, when the humidity level drops too low, those inside the home will often complain of dryness of the skin, irritation of their throat and eyes, and overall discomfort. Most people, in an effort to maximize comfort, will use a humidifier along with their air conditioner and heater. A humidifier will keep the humidity level consistent in the home.

The modern air conditioner and heater allows us to be completely comfortable no matter what the temperature outside. The humidifier, added to these conveniences, can take your comfort to the next level.

For easy to understand, in depth information about heaters visit our ezGuide 2 Heaters

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